C H L O E & R O L A N D
Wedding 2022

Please arrive between 3:30 and 3:45 pm
Dinner and Reception will immediately follow the wedding until 7pm
Semi-Formal/Dressy Casual Attire - most of the area has paved sidewalk area but the wedding ceremony will take place in a grassy area. There will be blanket seating, chairs and standing room for the wedding ceremony.
Chloe & Roland are registered at TARGET
Wedding Colors are Ivory, Caramel, Olive and Maroon
All young children who wish to participate will be invited to parade down the aisle before the bridal party begins it's procession

Directions to Floyd Lamb State Park
Once you have arrived at the Park:

Tell the gate you are with the Muñoz Wedding
- you do not have to pay the fee.
Once past the gate, go left and follow around to the end of the road.
There will be balloons at the entrance of Lot 5 and plenty of parking.